where it began...
the events surrounding that fateful night
The Day Arrives
After many days of anticipation, the fateful night arrived. A motley crew of the only friends we knew who would appreciate the meat helmet was assembled. The night started with a pre-helmet dinner at Dan McClusky's, a fine steak establishment. Within minutes of arrival, our first good omen arrived. A visiting muse was on the premises. One of the party mentioned the meat helmet bet to her, and soon, this complete stranger returned to our table. In her hand was an ode to meat helmets she had written, inspired by the thought of a meat helmet. Although the mere mention of a meat helmet had drawn pure art out of a complete stranger, we were still somewhat dubious about the general public's attitude toward meat helmets. Would we be allowed into bars? Would women run screaming? Would mothers avert their children's eyes? Would the CMO forever be banned from sixth street? The helmet was constructed and we walked back toward sixth street. |