where it began...
the events surrounding that fateful night


meathelmet home

Public, meet meat helmet. Meat helmet, meet public.

Within minutes the answer was clear:

People love meat helmets.

A few militant vegetarians aside, the helmet drew a response unlike anything I have ever seen.

Men. Women. Bouncers. Bartenders. Children. Policemen. Ugly people. Beautiful people. The outpouring of support, enthusiasm and admiration from these people caught us by complete surprise.

People wanted to touch it. People wanted to get into photos with it. People wanted to know how to make their own. One particularly enthusiastic woman even licked it (don't try this at home).

Friends, a few closing words. Advocate, preach, admire, design, and wear meat helmets. Conduct your own meat helmet night. Send us your photos, stories and suggestions. And may the meat be with you.