where it began...
the events surrounding that fateful night
A single line in a single movie. Years of dumb jokes and speculation. One night of too many lattes. A sketch on a napkin. A bet.
These are the circumstances that resulted in what will be known forever as the Night of the Meat Helmet. As we sat around sipping lattes and discussing how to make the perfect meat helmet, we realized that there was only one way to prove it. We would construct it. But what do you do after you make the perfect meat helmet? The answer was clear: wear it. Words were exchanged. A bet was suggested. An offer was put on the table. One problem: the fee was too large. Rather than cement his place forever in meat helmet history, the man who went on to become the lowly Director of Meat Acquisitions had priced himself out of the game. The Chairmeat of the Board has always been a resourceful man. A party with a much lower price point was located. A wager was accepted. The challenge: to wear a helmet fashioned of raw meat on a Friday night in downtown Austin Texas. The wager: an undisclosed sum of US currency. The acceptor: Jeffrey Goldmeat, Chief Meat Officer. |