>> The Meathelmet Agenda
this is a fictional design for a game. it doesn't exist, but if it did, we would buy many many copies.
>> Popa Chubby Plays Meat Helmet
these guys have a meat helmet song. you can listen to it here. frankly I'd rather listen to the CMO beat his meat helmet.
>> meat.com
the 2-in-1 internet directory for the meat shopper and the meat industry...
what more could you ask for??
>> Vince Vaughn wears a meat helmet
or close enough, anyway.I guess he wasn't called 't-bone' in swingers for nothing ...
>> The Beef Chief's Biography
this is the only case i've heard in which a meat helmet is used for evil purposes.
if anyone has ever heard of any other cases, please let us know immediately.
>> stinkymeat.net
these guys know how to abuse meat ...
WARNING: do not combine these techniques with your own meat helmet. ewwww!